Frequently Asked Questions

Our Frequently Asked Questions aim to address common inquiries about Son Tours' educational trips, helping parents, teachers, chaperones, and students feel informed and confident about their upcoming journey.

General Questions

  • Rooming assignments are made by the group leader at the school.

  • If you want to be in a room with your child and only your child, make sure you choose a double for yourself and a double for your child too.

  • We cannot guarantee that the bus will have outlets for phone chargers due to Asymmetrical standards. However, phone charger outlets have become common for motor coaches in recent years, so most likely your bus will have them.

  • Most standard motor coaches hold 56 passengers.

  • If we know in advance that a tour participant is in a wheelchair, we will make sure to order an ADA compliant motor coach with a wheelchair ramp.

  • As long as we are made aware in advance, we can make sure to book a room that accommodates a wheelchair user’s needs.

  • We leave all disciplinary issues up to the group leader. If they believe a tour participant has acted in a way that requires them to be taken off the tour while they are on the tour, it is up to the participant and their family to arrange travel home.

  • No.

  • Son Tours is not responsible for participants’ belongings. It is up to the participants to try to track down lost possessions.

  • Your children’s safety is our top priority. Not only will a Son Tours staff member be onsite at your group’s hotel, but we will have background checked security personnel on your group’s floor through the night.

  • In general, $15.00 will get your child a good meal on location if the meal is at your child’s own expense.

  • Yes, anyone hired to be a part of your tour are background checked.

  • Yes, Son Tours escorts are well versed in what to do if your group encounters an emergency on tour. First and foremost, along with our licensed local guides we avoid your group being in areas that may have any type of unrest, such as protests. 

  • If your child is injured or becomes ill on tour, they will be taken to the nearest medical facility along with one of your school chaperones that will remain with them until they are released.

  • This is pretty much up to you as a parent, normal trinkets such as shirts, hats and statues normally start at around $15 to $20 each

  • Son Tours will provide any parent who is concerned about food allergies with the names and numbers of places the group will be eating. It is the parents’ responsibility to contact the facility and communicate their concerns and get options.

  • This must go through the group leader at your school.

  • When signing up you will be given the option to pick single double, triple or quad occupancy. Quad occupancy is at no additional cost. If you want to stay by yourself with your child there is the double occupancy option and the cost for your trip will be given on your enrollment form.

  • You can only board the motor coach if you are a paid participant with the tour.

  • Son Tours will not be responsible for anyone following the motor coach, nor will the coach driver wait for, or make any special arrangements for anyone not on tour or following in their own vehicle. Most of the cities that your group will tour will have heavy traffic and in many cases nowhere for a private vehicle to park, so we highly recommend not doing this.

  • Only if the school leader and Principle give Son Tours written permission that the student will not be returning with the group and that the parent now takes all responsibility for their child.

  • Your first contact should be your group leader at the school. If they cannot answer your question, we would be more than happy to help.

  • Once the school communicates any need for this, we will attempt to get an ADA Motorcoach if needed. Care for the child must be from the parent or school personnel.

  • Yes, your child can bring any important medication needed with them on tour. You must let your group leader know to communicate any special requests such as a refrigerator if needed in the hotel room, so we can make sure this is requested and confirmed ahead of time.

  • Yes, Breakfast and Dinners are included while on location unless changed by the Group Leader/DM.  We also will include Lunches upon request.

  • Yes, all motorcoaches now require seatbelts for the passenger’s added safety.

  • Yes, Son Tours includes all admissions per the itinerary to visited sites.

  • Yes, Son Tours provides private vetted security for school groups while at the hotel.

  • The motorcoach(s) will arrive at the location set by the DM/School Group leader. Most of the time the motorcoach(s) will meet the group at the school parking lot at a predetermined time.

  • The group leader/DM will assign the seating arrangements for the Tour.

  • Generally, the motorcoach company will accommodate school groups Provided they are notified in advance.  Special requests given to Son Tours With advance notice will be addressed with the motorcoach company.

  • A list of all the restaurants is provided on each voucher and exactly what they can order.  Should a person desire something more, they would pay a supplemental cost.

  • Yes, Son Tours staff have personally visited all locations and have verified ADA compliance at all sites utilized for services.

  • Written on your Tour Quote page in your Tour Proposal, it will list the minimum amount along with the price increase in falling under the minimum amount.

  • No, only the paying participants count towards the minimum amount.

  • No, The Son Tour’s Tour Escort will be waiting for you at your destination’s first venue.

  • Your Tour Escort will be in touch with your Group Leader 1 – 2 weeks before the tour.  We will let you know by email or call you 1-2 days before the tour.

  • Yes, I would highly suggest bringing good rain gear or if going to a cold climate a warm coat, hat and gloves.

  • Your Tour Escort will try their best to reschedule the venue for another day and time on the tour.

  • Yes, Son Tours is a member of SYTA (Student Youth Travel Association). This organization meets annually and allows Son Tours up to date, “real time” information on all locations attended.

Financial Questions

  • Unfortunately, discounts are not given if you have more than one child on tour.

  • In order to avoid paying a credit card fee, you can mail a check to PO Box 1839, Duluth, GA 30096. As long as the check is postmarked by the payment due date, your check will be accepted as on-time and no late fee will be applied.

  • Unfortunately, discounts are not given if you have more than one child on tour.

  • Each tour has its own code.  You can use the same email as last year, but you will need to reregister under the new code with a new password.

  • Yes, Son Tours office is in Duluth off of Peachtree Industrial Boulevard.  We are opened from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.  We would suggest calling before you come.     

  • This is an optional plan that with a written or emailed notice no later than 72 hours prior to tour commencement, Son Tours will issue a total refund minus the price for the HFR.   

  • There will be no refunds after postmarked or emailed for 45 days or less from their scheduled departure.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

  • If you have forgotten your password, simply hit “forgot password” and you will be allowed to change it.  Do not register again, as that will create 2 accounts for your child.

  • The online payment schedule matches the enrollment form.  We are unable to change the amounts owed.  If you want to pay something different than the current breakdown, you must send a check.

  • The payment schedule online is the same as the enrollment form.  If the school sends in a payment different than what is due, you will see that we will deduct it from the current amount due.  The total balance due will always be correct, you just may not see all payments reflected as line items as we can only have as many as are on the enrollment form. 

  • If your child is injured or becomes ill on tour, they will be taken to the nearest medical facility along with one of your school chaperones that will remain with them until they are released.

  • If you sign up together, you can register 1, 2 or even 4 participants.  However, if you are registering at a separate time from your child, you will need to have 2 separate accounts.  You may use the same email address; however, you must have a unique password for each.

  • Invoices are sent via email approximately 3 weeks prior to the due date.  If you are not receiving emails from Son Tours, please send us an email at to ensure we have the correct email for you.  Please also check your spam file.