Student Travel Safety

Our Number One Priority on Each and Every Educational Student Tour: Safety

Whether you’re traveling across the country or across the globe, Son Tours takes student travel safety very seriously. As a result, we have numerous measures in place on each and every trip to ensure you receive the highest level of safety possible, regardless of your destination. Below, we’ve listed the different types of safety measures in place on each of our student tours.

Student Travel Safety Starts With Us: Day & Night Guidance from a Son Tours Representative

When you book a tour with us, you will be assigned an experienced Son Tours representative who will work with your group leader and chaperones to ensure that your trip is as seamless as possible. This person will be with you every step of the way, even staying in the same hotel as your group, making them easy to access if you have any questions or concerns. As all of our staff members have impressive backgrounds, ranging from military careers, security, government, and even former CIA experience, whichever of our representatives accompany you will be skilled and ready to handle any type of safety or security situation that may arise. We ensure that all of our representatives are highly trained in emergency preparedness, so if anything happens, they will be ready to assess and respond to the situation at hand.

We Keep You in the Loop: Student Safety Briefings and Cell Phone Access

Every trip is accompanied by safety and security briefing before your students ever leave home as well as during the excursion. We want all of our students to have the information they need to stay safe as they explore the educational opportunities available to them in our many destinations, so we make sure to offer these briefings at multiple points prior to departure as well as throughout the trip.

In addition, we recognize that almost all of the students on our trips have cell phones and that parents prefer they keep these phones on them to check in while they are away from home. This enables students to touch base with their families at appropriate times during the tour, alleviating many worries about safety that parents may face when students are away. Of course, we do expect our students to use these phones responsibly and refrain from using them at inappropriate times, such as during guided tours, presentations, or plays. For students on international tours, group leaders will be given a phone that can call overseas, enabling parents to get in touch with students at all times even if students do not have international phone plans or satellite phones.

We Get Dedicated Security Professionals Involved: Private Security in Hotels and Motor Coaches

We don’t only rely on our trained, safety-conscious representatives and the information we provide to parents, chaperones, group leaders, and students. We also provide private, uniformed security. These security personnel will be positioned on every hotel floor and on motor coaches in order to keep your students safe.

We Expect the Unexpected: Insurance Included on All Son Tours Trips

We make sure that if the worst does happen, we’ll have you covered, whether a group faces an unexpected accident, illness, natural disaster, or other situation that requires emergency assistance of varying sorts. All of our overnight packages include insurance that covers:

  • Emergency Evacuation/Repatriation

  • Accidents and Illnesses

  • Emergency Dental

  • Travel Assistance

  • Travel Delays

We want to make sure that students make it home safe and sound with a plethora of new experiences and a wealth of knowledge to share, so we make sure to have plenty of insurance coverage in case the unthinkable happens.

Student Travel Safety is Critical from Beginning to End

Student safety is our number one priority, and we take that very seriously, which is why we keep it in mind from the start of your partnership with us until the very end. From the people we hire to the policies we put into place, we make sure that students can stay safe throughout their travel experiences and parents can feel at ease. Feel free to contact us to learn more about our high-quality student and educational travel safety measures.

Still Have Questions?

Our Frequently Asked Questions aim to address common inquiries about Son Tours' educational trips, helping parents, teachers, chaperones, and students feel informed and confident about their upcoming journey.